Last year I designed a 2021 calendar with some of my best photos of Puffins, taken on Westray on my recent trips. It was my first experience and quite a success! I printed about 120 copies, I gave a few as presents for family and friends and I managed to sell all the others! Wow!
It took me a lot of time to choose the right photos to include, time for editing the images the best I could to the right size for the calendar design.
Because of that experience, this year, in October, I decided to make a Puffin calendar again for 2022. I was thinking about making a calendar since the Summer, but I was still looking for fresh shots while I was in Orkney, despite having hard disks full of Puffin shots. When I was back at home, in Rome, I had to start restoration work for the Vatican, and at the same time was busy with a private restoration in an ancient luxuious house, started a few months before. That means being out 12 hours every day and coming back home very tired. So I dedicated time to designing the calendar only during the weekends. It has been a long job because I am critical of my own images and think they could be better. I am hardly ever satisfied.
Anyway after much indecision, many changes, and a lot of editing I finally finished designing the new 2022 Calendar! Phew! I ordered 80 copies from a UK printers which specialize in printing calendars, but I had so many problems with delivery and had customs and tax to pay (thanks Brexit! 🙁 ). At some stage I thought that I had just wasted my money, because the parcel was been stuck for a month in a remote place in France. But fortunately after all this long delay the Puffin Calendars landed in Rome! I am so pleased with them! I love each page and I love to remember every single day when I took each photo on Westray. Puffins are such a joy to watch. Every person on Earth should spend a week every year in their company. The world would be much happier for it.
I have put all my love for nature and wildlife in every image, to bring beauty and delight to you.
My new Puffin Calendar has been much appreciated by my colleagues and friends in the Vatican Museums. A big thank you to all the ones who bought it! I also received many nice comments and feedback about them, so heartwarming and encouraging for me.

‘The Author’ is the title of the Puffin with feather in its beak. It is my favourite photo!
Seriously, if you are a Puffin lover you can’t miss it!
With a Puffin Calendar a lots of smiles are guaranteed! And you are still in time to grab a copy. It lasts all the year so it is never too late to get one!
Like the past year I printed only a limited edition of it. Currently I have only one copy left in my shop, but you can still find a limited number of them here. David will be happy to send a copy to you from the UK.
Thanks so much David for your precious help!
I really want to say THANK YOU to everyone from the bottom of my heart for your great support! I hope you will continue to follow the adventures of the Puffin Whisperer. There are so many to tell. I wish everyone a Puffintastic 2022 full of smiles, happiness and health! I am sure it will be!
We are all so very proud of you, Antonella! It is an honor to have your beautiful work in my home and to send it as a gift to others. Peace & Love, Tyla
Dearest Tyla, thanks so much for your precious support! Your beautiful words are my great reward!Keep safe!
I love my calendar! Thank you!
It’s my pleasure Charles! It’s great to know you love it! Thanks for your support!
Great content! Keep up the good work!
I already had the 2021 Puffin Calendar (which I loved lots!) and could hardly wait for the 2022 edition to arrive. It has now and I am so happy with it – all those lovely puffins! 🙂